Artículo Materias > Ingeniería Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés, Portugués Objective: The general objective of this article is to study the implementation of free geotechnologies, based on free software, in basic sanitation management. Theoretical benchmark: The research brings perspectives aiming to demonstrate that the implementation of geotechnologies, based on free and free software, in the management of basic sanitation can reduce the costs of implementing information technology, as well as assist the process of combating water losses and waste. Method: This study consisted of exploratory research with application in a case study at the Bahia Water and Sanitation Company. To assess the hypotheses raised by the survey, data from the company's information systems were used, as well as the answers from the online questionnaire applied to professionals in the area of geotechnologies. Results and conclusion: The results pointed out that the free geotechnologies, based on free and free software, implemented in the basic sanitation company allowed a better management of basic sanitation, being important for the specific process of combating water losses. Research Implications: The research contributes with the literature review and practical application of free and free geotechnologies applied in the management of basic sanitation, which allow the economicity and scalability of technological projects of this nature. Originality/value: The results obtained in the present study are unprecedented, innovative and relevant for the scientific community, in the context of the use of free and free geotechnologies, in the management of basic sanitation and its process of combating water losses. metadata Guimarães Aragão, Helder; Pereira, Vilmar Alves y Florencio da Silva, Rodrigo mail SIN ESPECIFICAR,, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2022) Free Geotechnologies Applied to Basic Sanitation Management: a Case Study at the Empresa Baiana de Águas e Saneamento. RGSA –Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 16 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1981-982X