Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Docencia > Trabajos finales de Máster
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Docencia > Trabajos finales de Máster
This research has attempted to ascertain and examine the effect that cognitive reading strategies have on the academic reading skills. The report of this research is organized as follows: the title is presented at the very beginning of the research. Indeed, it is contextualized. The introduction is an essential part of this research. It explains briefly why this research tries to accomplish and numerous facts of the Ecuadorian educational context are cited. Then, the justification of academic and personal interest are developed as well as the guidelines of the research, certain theories that support it, and my desires regards to working on it. It is compulsory to have the research question and the objectives, too. These are presented right after the justification and personal interests. The theoretical background is all about the theories the research is grounded, which provides the theoretical framework of the research to foster reading comprehension skills. The methodology of the research is explained in this part. The description comprises an explanation of the research, methods, level, and type. In addition, the population of the research is identified and described, and the operationalization of the variables is carried out, and the data collection and analysis procedures are described.
Robelli Coto, Stefania Melisa
An Action Research: Fostering Reading Comprehension through the implementation of cognitive strategies in an11th grade EFL class at Babahoyo high school in Ecuador.
Masters thesis, SIN ESPECIFICAR.