%T Maximizing students oral skills through an english teacher’s work in a virtual platform. %X In the educational field, English is considered as a communicative system. It is named as an essential patron to discuss science, art, knowledge and commerce internationally. In Colombia, students were ranked in last place throughout Latin-American countries in the use of the second language (English). The purpose of this proposal was to maximize students oral skills through virtual teaching tips in an innovative platform to support role play in the classroom. There were 35 students per classroom between ages 13-19 and they were taken as main participants of this research. Furthermore, research design was applied as a prior part of this proposal. Data was analyzed through the following instruments; classroom observation and journal, videotaping lessons, lesson plans, and digital platforms. Findings revealed a maximization of high school students’ oral skills and an increase level of autonomy, collaboration, and interaction in their educational language process developed in a virtual platform. %L uninipr1515 %D 2022 %K Keywords: Education, virtual platform, role playing, students’ oral skills. %A Millyndy Katherine Alexandra Vega Corzo